Application programming interfaces

SmartFace Platform provides you multiple API endpoints for accessing the data and configuration of the server. There are three types of the API available, REST API, OData API and GraphQL API.


SmartFace REST API

SmartFace REST API is by default available on port 8098. It allows you to configure or perform basic queries in a simpler and more user-friendly way.

Open API specification for REST API is accessible through the URL: http://<your_server_name>:8098/swagger/v1/swagger.json

To quickly call available endpoints you can use a Swagger interface accessible through the URL: http://<your_server_name>:8098/index.html

The HTML documentation for the REST API is available here.

SmartFace OData API

SmartFace OData API is by default available on port 8099. It allows you to query complex SmartFace Platform data.

Open API specification for OData API is accessible through the URL: http://<your_server_name>:8099/swagger/v1/swagger.json.

To quickly call available endpoints you can use a Swagger interface accessible through the URL: http://<your_server_name>:8099/index.html

The HTML documentation for the ODATA API is available here.

SmartFace GraphQL API

SmartFace provides GraphQL API for powerful data querying . SmartFace GraphQL server is by default available on port 8097.

GraphQL server listens for requests at endpoint: http://<your_server_name>:8097/graphql

GraphQL schema can be downloaded through the URL: http://<your_server_name>:8097/graphql?sdl

To quickly browse the GraphQL schema and create GraphQL requests, use the built-in Web IDE by opening the GraphQL endpoint (http://<your_server_name>:8097/graphiql) in the browser.

For more information about GraphQL language, follow the link:

GraphQL server and the GraphQL schema is available from SmartFace Platform version 4.10. Backward compatibility between versions of the SmartFace Platform is not yet guaranteed, and significant changes may occur in the future.