Installation on Windows using installer

This chapter guides you through the installation process of SmartFace prerequisites and SmartFace Platform on Windows OS.

The installation process consists of three basic steps:

Operating system requirements

Operating system: Windows Server 2016 (x64), Windows Server 2019 (x64), Windows 10 PRO (x64).

  • English language pack with English character set

    A character set different from English may cause SmartFace installation failure and SmartFace malfunction.

  • Do not use any other Windows 10 edition than Windows 10 PRO edition.

  • Use Windows 10 only for evaluation purposes. For production, use Windows Server or Linux OS.

  • Windows 10 N edition is missing Media Feature Pack. It is required that this pack is installed on the machine for proper functioning of SmartFace Platform.

  • SmartFace version 4.10 and higher versions require the CPU support AVX2 instruction set , eg Intel Haswell microarchitecture or AMD Zen family

Install prerequisites

Prerequisites can be installed manually, or automatically by using the Prerequisites installer. It is required to install and configure the following software prerequisites on the server before you start the SmartFace installation:

  • MS SQL Server / Express

  • RabbitMQ

  • Erlang

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)

  • OpenVINO Toolkit


  • NVIDIA TensorRT

Prerequisites installer

Prerequisites can be installed and configured automatically by standalone Prerequisites installer. Prerequisites installer requires internet connection.

Always use Prerequisites installer with the same major and minor version as your SmartFace Platform. For example, use Prerequisites installer v3.0.X when installing SmartFace Platform v3.0.0.

The installer deploys the following components:

  • MS SQL Server Express 2019

    Prerequisites installer installs the MS SQL Server Express 2019 and sets up a database and creates a database user for the SmartFace Platform.
    The maximum size of the MS SQL Server Express database is 10 GB and is suitable for small-scale deployments.
    The default parameters are as follows:

    • SQL instance: localhost\sfexpress

    • SA password: smartface

    • DB user: smartface

    • password: smartface

  • RabbitMQ

  • Erlang

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)

  • OpenVINO Toolkit


  • NVIDIA TensorRT
    Prerequisites installer installs NVIDIA libraries in the c: \ Program Files \ innovatrics \ smartface directory by default. If the installation directory is different, then these libraries need to be copied manually.

Execute the Prerequisites installer

  1. Visit our CRM portal at and login with your credentials.

    Your sales representative will provide you the credentials for the CRM login.

  2. Go to SmartFace > Download, section Downloads and download SmartFace_PreReq_Installer_X.Y.Z.exe (X.Y.Z. is the version number).

  3. Run the SmartFace_PreReq_Installer.exe as an administrator (select Run as administrator).

  4. Click Next. The wizard checks whether any of the prerequisites have already been installed.

  5. Select the components which you want to install. By default, all options are selected.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Review the selection and click Install.

  8. After installation click Finish.






Prerequisites installation wizard

Activate the SmartFace Platform license

SmartFace license is required for the correct functionality of Innovatrics SmartFace. It needs to be activated before the installation of SmartFace. Follow these steps to obtain and activate the license:

  1. Visit our CRM portal at and login with your credentials.

    Your sales representative will provide you the credentials for the CRM login.

  2. Go to SmartFace > Download, section Downloads and download LicenseManager.exe. Then, run the LicenseManager.

  3. Select the tab Hardware ID and copy the generated ID.


  4. Go to the Get License tab, select Software license and click Apply online. This step directs you back to CRM, to section Licenses.


  5. Choose from the drop-down the SmartFace product and click Order.


  6. The Licenses tab is opened in CRM. The following fields are prefilled.


  7. Click Generate License.

  8. Click Download and save.


  9. Go to LicenseManager, the Deploy license tab.

  10. Upload the downloaded .lic file into the LicenseManager.

  11. Select to activate the license for Everyone and press button 'Deploy license'.


Install SmartFace Platform

Please make sure you have installed all prerequisites and deployed the license before starting the SmartFace Platform installation. If you have used the Prerequisites installer, the default values are prefilled.

To install SmartFace Platform, perform the following steps:

  1. Close any application (Task Manager or the Services utility) which can interact with the Windows services.

  2. Visit our CRM portal at and login with your credentials.

    Your sales representative will provide you the credentials for the CRM login.

  3. Go to SmartFace > Download, section Downloads and download SmartFace_Platform_Installer_x64_X.Y.Z.exe installer (X.Y.Z. is the version number).

  4. Run the SmartFace_Server_x64_X.Y.Z.exe installer as an administrator (select Run as administrator).

  5. Accept the license agreement.

  6. Select a destination, where SmartFace will be installed. By default, it is C:\Program Files\Innovatrics\SmartFace.

  7. Fill in the Host settings
    Port for SmartFace API endpoint. The default value is 8099. The API endpoint will be available on the following addresses:

    • Api port: 8098

    • OData Port: 8099

    • GraphQL Port: 8097

Choose the availability of the SmartFace API:

    • Externally available: API is available from outside of the server

    • Local only: API is available only from the localhost


8. Fill in the SQL database connection settings

If you have used the Prerequisites installer, the default values are pre-filled. Otherwise, you should provide the following information:

    • MsSql server instance — an instance of the database engine, e.g.:

      • localhost\sfexpress: default instance of MS SQL Server Express installed by the Prerequisite installer

      • localhost\SQLEXPRESS: default instance of MS SQL Server Express

      • localhost: default instance of MS SQL

    • Database name

    • User name

    • Password


You can also select Advanced connection string settings and build the connection string yourself:

The SmartFace Platform services run under the LocalSystem account, so we are not supporting Integrated Security.

      • The connection string includes the following parameters, which are semicolon-separated:

        • data source=SQLserverinstance; (typically localhost or servername or localhost\SQLEXPRESS)

        • initial catalog=databasename;

        • User ID=username;

        • Password=password;

        • multipleactiveresultsets=False;

        • connect timeout=60;

9. Fill in the Configuration settings

    • Path to NoSql database. By default, it is C:\ProgramData\Innovatrics\SmartFace\Data.
      It is recommended to use a standalone disk (where the OS is not installed) with enough space for storing images from camera streams;

    • Path to log files . By default, it is C:\ProgramData\Innovatrics\SmartFace


10. Fill in the RabbitMQ connection parameters
Please provide connection information for RabbitMQ.


11. S3 settings - setting for S3 blob storage (Minio)


12. Camera setup configuration

Define the maximum number of cameras that could be registered during installation. This number determines the maximum number of cameras which will be possible to create, as each camera processing is handled by one process (SmartFace_Camera service).

If you want to register more cameras after the installation, you would have to start the installer again to reconfigure the SmartFace Platform.

The highest number which can be entered is 100. For each camera, one Windows service needs to be registered.


13. Set up the Database cleanup.

    • Set up the daily database cleanup

      • Enable database cleanup (checked by default): Enables the daily database cleanup. Then, fill in Time of day when the daily database cleanup should run. The time is specified in the hh:mm:ss format in the UTC time zone.

    • Set up the cleanup of SQL and NoSQL records related to faces and images.

      • For removed images also delete (checked by default): Deletes all SQL and NoSQL records related to faces and images. To delete only full images from streams in the NoSQL database, clear this checkbox.
        Deleted stored images: cleanup process deletes all image data older than the entered value (in days).

    • Set up the cleanup of match results.

      • Enable if you want to cleanup also match results for faces which are no longer present in database (were deleted).


14. Set up the OpenVino configuration and click Next

    • required for body parts detection


15. Set up the GPU configuration and click Next. Windows services with GPU support will be installed on the system that belongs to the CPU services.


16. Install the SmartFace Platform



After installation

After the SmartFace Platform is installed, you can view the status of the following services in Task Manager services tab (depending on your installation settings).
These services should be in running state.

Service Name

Service Description


SmartFace Api Service


SmartFace Base Service


SmartFace pedestrian with bodyparts detection on CPU/GPU services


SmartFace pedestrian with bodyparts detection on GPU services

SFCam01, SFCam02, ... SFCamXX

SmartFace Camera Services


SmartFace Detection on CPU Service


SmartFace Detection on GPU Service


SmartFace Extractor on CPU Service


SmartFace Extractor on GPU Service


SmartFace Face Matcher Service


SmartFace GraphQL Api Service


SmartFace Grouping Service


SmartFace Liveness detection on CPU Service


SmartFace Liveness detection on GPU Service


SmartFace OData API Service


SmartFace Pedestrian detection on CPU Service


SmartFace Pedestrian detection on GPU Service


SmartFace Offline Video Data aggregatior Service


SmartFace Offline Video Processing data collector Service


SmartFace Offline Video Processing reading Service


SmartFace Matching Service