
Matching is a comparison of two biometric templates. The result of the comparison is a matching score. The matching score of the two biometric templates represents a degree of similarity between these templates. In SmartFace Platform, matching is performed when a detected face is being identified against people registered in a watchlist.

SmartFace Platform allows you to create multiple watchlists and easily register people (watchlist members) in them. You can register watchlist members by uploading their face image together with their name and other information. During the registration of a member in a watchlist, SmartFace Platform automatically generates a biometric template from the provided image. This template is used for identification in the matching process.

Templates are also automatically generated from faces detected on live video streams and uploaded videos. These generated templates are automatically compared (matched) against all templates previously registered in all your watchlists. SmartFace Platform can perform thousands of comparisons within few milliseconds. Therefore, you can register thousands of watchlist members and the identification will still take just a few milliseconds.
