Rapid video processing

In addition to processing of live rtsp streams, SmartFace Platform is also capable to process video files. The processing of video files is faster than the actual length of uploaded videos - so called faster than real time processing. You can easily upload the video file and SmartFace Platfrom will process it in the same way as the real time video stream, i.e. detects faces, extracts biometric data, identifies detected person against watchlists, stores the information into the database (based on the data storage configuration) and provides ZeroMQ notifications. It is possible to upload multiple videos at a same time and process them in parallel. Pedestrian detection is currently not supported in Rapid video processing.

The processing speed depends on several variables:

  • length of the video

  • number of faces occurring in the video

  • computing power of your server

  • configuration of the processing

  • configuration of SmartFace Platform services