Release notes

SmartFace Platform v5_4.16

Release date: 05-Octorber-2022

  • [Added] - SmartFace is now integrated with edge devices compatible with SmartFace Embedded. A new edge stream input and processing can be configured via a new API endpoint.

  • [Added] - New API endpoint added to verify faces on uploaded images.

  • [Added] - New attributes FullName and DisplayName were added into API endpoint for watchlist member registration.

  • [Added] - A new attribute video processing duration is available in the VideoRecords API endpoint.

SmartFace Platform v5_4.15

Release date: 12-August-2022

  • [Added] - Option to filter out face notifications with Template Quality below threshold added.

  • [Added] - New API endpoint for spoof check on submitted image added.

  • [Added] - The watchlist search API endpoint has been improved with the ability to enable spoof check on the submitted image before the actual search.

  • [Changed] - ZeroMQ notifications are no longer produced for Faces, Tracklets and MatchResults created from Rapid Video Processing.

  • [Changed] - The property Name and Description of a video record can be changed via the API endpoint (PUT ​/api​/v1​/VideoRecords) regardless of the state the VideoRecord is in. All other properties can only be changed when the video recording is in the Ready state.

  • [Changed] - New IFace 4.19.0 was integrated.

  • [Changed] - Upgraded to .NET 6.

  • [Fixed] - Fixed database migration error when upgrading from version 4.10 (or lower) to version 4.13 (or higher).

SmartFace Platform v5_4.14.1

Release date: 12-July-2022

  • [Fixed] - Grouping ‘start time’ issue is fixed

  • [Fixed] - DbCleanup timeout issue on PostgreSQL is fixed

  • [Fixed] - FaceMatcher in memory state not updating after DbCleanup fix

  • [Fixed] - SFBase service problem when NoSQL database is disabled is fixed

  • [Fixed] - Ability to configure a static port for each host in a containerized environment for camera preview

SmartFace Platform v5_4.14

Release date: 10-June-2022

  • [Added] - A new "Description" text field has been added into the Videorecord API entity.

  • [Added] - Possibility to configure custom labels for watchlist members, which are set of unique key value pairs. You can query these labels also via GraphQL/OData.

SmartFace Platform v5_4.13

Release date: 26-May-2022

  • [Added] - The new camera attributes have been added to GraphQL API to improve camera services.

  • [Added] - A new API endpoint for video records has been added to clear processed results of rapid video processing.

  • [Added] - A new "RecordedAt" attribute has been added to the video record, which allows setting the absolute time for detected objects during rapid video processing.

  • [Added] - New attributes Age, Gender and FaceSize have been added to no-match/match notifications.

  • [Changed] - The background color of detected objects where the object is partially cropped or incomplete was changed from white to grey.

  • [Changed] - An improved distant passive liveness algorithm for spoof detection has been integrated.

  • [Changed] - The value returned by passive liveliness was normalized. The range is from 0 to 100 now (before ~ from -10,000 to 10,000).

  • [Changed] - Behavior of no-match notifications have changed. The system sends notifications of non-match for the tracklet at all times, even a notification of match has been sent.

  • [Fixed] - Many small bug fixes.

SmartFace Platform v5_4.12

Release date: 22-February-2022

  • [Added] - Support for deleting match results in DB cleanup process.

  • [Added] - Possibility to configure a new ResourceID type for each camera for better HW resources utilization.

  • [Added] - Tag support for video records in Rapid Video Processing.

  • [Changed] - Db cleanup process performance improvements.

  • [Changed] - Face detection optimization for higher resolutions inputs.

  • [Fixed] - Wrong start time of individual in grouping fixed.

  • [Fixed] - Many small bug fixes.

SmartFace Platform v5_4.11

Release date: 06-December-2021

The SmartFace versioning system has changed. The SmartFace Platform version is prefixed by the marketing version v5.

  • [Added] - Extend the overlay graphics of the encoded output stream for each camera with preferred information for detected face and identified person.

  • [Added] - Ability to set default color of the bounding box for the detected face, identified person and detected pedestrian in the encoded output streams.

  • [Added] - Ability to set color for each watchlist to override the default bounding box color in the encoded output streams when a person is identified.

  • [Changed] - Camera service was extracted from base process to a separate process. The name of a docker image for camera service was changed to 'sf-cam'.

  • [Changed] - The SmartFace versioning system has changed. The SmartFace Platform version is prefixed by the marketing version v5.

  • [Fix] - Issue with many connections on PostgreSQL solved.

SmartFace Platform 4.10

Release date: 27-October-2021

  • [Added] - Face search in all detected faces stored by SmartFace

  • [Added] - GraphQL API for complex data querying

  • [Added] - Faster NN models for detection, extraction and liveness integrated for CPU an GPU processing

  • [Added] - Support for NVIDIA TensorRT

  • [Added] - Support for NVIDIA CUDA 11

  • [Added] - USB camera support in docker deployments (Windows, Linux, Mac)

  • [Changed] - Processing pipeline performance improvements

  • [Changed] - Possibility to retrieve TOP N match results for detected faces in Rapid Video Processing

  • [Fixed] - Many small bug fixes

  • [Fixed] - I ssues with installing SF on a Windows OS with non-English (specifically Chinese) localization

SmartFace Platform 4.9.1

Release date: 24-September-2021

  • [Fixed] - M atching in the live processing pipeline when a member was registered in multiple watchlists

  • [Fixed] - E xporting data in the rapid processing pipeline when using RabbitMQ export and when video record is not created in the SmartFace database

SmartFace Platform 4.9

Release date: 28-July-2021

  • [Added] - Support for RabbitMQ messaging in the Rapid Video Processing

  • [Changed] - More detail to the JAEGER tracing added

  • [Changed] - Various performance optimizations done

  • [Changed] - Small changes and bug fixes

SmartFace Platform 4.8.1

Release date: 26-May-2021

Small changes and bug fixes:

  • [Added] - Support for GPU acceleration for detection/extraction and HW decoding on x64 Linux platform

  • [Added] - Possibility to install body parts detector and liveness detector via Service_Installer.bat has been added

  • [Changed] - Windows services descriptions have been changed

  • [Changed] - Fixed USB camera reading on Windows OS

SmartFace Platform 4.8

  • SmartFace Platform is now distributed also in form of docker images available on container registry

  • From now on you can install SmartFace Platform on Linux operating system

  • We provide also a SmartFace Platform build for embedded device NVidia Jetson Xavier NX and NVidia Jetson AGX Xavier

    • SmartFace Platform for embedded device support HW decoding

  • Deployment on Linux OS now supports PostgreSQL database

  • We have replaced NoSQL LevelDB by MinIO database

  • Latest version of IFace included with lot of new features:

    • Now you can detect presentation attacks with our liveness check

    • Pedestrian tracking introduced

    • Detection and matching algorithms were improved

    • Accuracy for masked faces significantly increased

  • Code base migrated to .NET 5

SmartFace Platform 4.7

  • SmartFace Platform is able to detect body parts using OpenVINO Human Pose Estimation model

  • The first version of a spoof detection (presentation attack detection) powered by the body parts analysis done on an identified person

    • The result of the spoof check is available in the match notification

    • The result is also propagated into NX Witness

  • COCO key points and human pose description is available in the pedestrian API models and notifications

  • A frame timestamp and eye coordinates are available in a match notification

  • Possibility to specify FaceId in /Register and /AddNewFace endpoints requests

  • New API endpoint available for possibility to use an external liveness

SmartFace Platform 4.6

  • Improvements of accuracy of watchlist autolearn for faces covered by masks:

    • Watchlist autolearn clusters images based on whether the face is covered by a face mask or not

    • Possibility to configure extraction algorithm

SmartFace Platform 4.5

  • Faster than real time offline video processing

SmartFace Platform 4.4

  • Following ICAO attributes available for detected face. Attributes are propagated in "faces.insert", "faces.extracted", "matchResults.nomatch" and "matchResults.match" notification:

    • Template Quality

    • Yaw Angle

    • Pitch Angle

    • Roll Angle

  • New argument "KeepAutolearnPhotos" added into Register method for Watchlist Member, where you can specify whether Register call should keep faces gathered by Watchlist Autolearn

  • Smooth preview for live streaming added. Preview now streams all frames not only processed ones

SmartFace Platform 4.3

  • Pedestrian detection added

  • Information about detected pedestrians is provided in new notification and is also available via new API endpoint

  • Tracking is currently not supported for pedestrian detection

SmartFace Platform 4.2

  • SmartFace Platform detects whether a person wears a face mask or not. This information is stored in the database and is provided to you in notifications

  • Possibility to enable Watchlist autolearn feature and disable data storage (store only matched faces)

  • Improved algorithms for extraction. This update requires migration of your data

  • Affinity configuration for camera processing available. This feature improves scaling possibilities

  • Default matching threshold changed from 24 to 40

SmartFace Platform 4.1

  • Integration with Network Optix's Nx Witness VMS added

  • Remote detection for the camera service added

  • Changed default max eye distance for the camera from 2000px -> 600px

SmartFace Platform 4.0


  • New Rest API for easier integration with SmartFace. The new API is by default hosted on port 8098

  • Lazy loading of neural networks in face handler

  • ZeroMQ notification with subscription topic matchResults.nomatch. This notification is provided when face from stream is not matched against any registered watchlists member

  • Concept of resource id's by which is possible to select GPU or CPU processing for processing/API calls, ie. configure CPU/GPU processing per camera

  • Possibility to set Id for Watchlist and WatchlistMember via PUT

  • Possibility to configure DBCleanup in SmartFace installer

  • Codebase change to .NET Core as one of the main prerequisites for running SmartFace Platform on Linux


  • Renamed entities InputFile -> VideoRecord

  • Renamed entities Identity -> Individual. This includes database, endpoints, notifications...

  • Renamed entities WlItem -> WatchlistMember. This includes database, endpoints, notifications...

  • Renamed entities WlHits -> MatchResults. This includes database, endpoints, notifications...

  • Added type column to MatchResults (WlHits)

  • Renamed entities Persons -> Tracklets. This includes database, endpoints, notifications...

  • Renamed entities Photos -> Frames. This includes database, endpoints, notifications...

  • Renamed table Faces -> VisualObjects. This was only done on database level.

  • Renamed table and odata entity Grouping -> GroupingMetadata

  • Following entities have had their Id changed from integer to Guid type:

    • Frames

    • VisualObjects

    • Trackelts

    • Scopes

    • Streams

    • Watchlists

    • WatchlistMembers

    • Individuals

    • MatchResults

  • ZeroMQ subscription topic wlHits.match -> matchResults.match

  • ZeroMQ subscription topic wlHits.insert -> matchResults.match.insert

  • WebApi renamed to ODataApi

  • Most of ODataApi POST, PATCH, DELETE methods have been moved to new new API on default port 8098

  • Renamed all services

  • Cameras / VideoRecords are created in default video scope on which grouping is not performed


  • Removed the concept of "ExternalId" from Watchlists and WatchlistMembers. Only one string Id is present on the entities which will be generated by SmartFace when not specified, or it can be specified by the user

  • Automatic grouping trigger for records (formerly Scopes with type Event) was removed. Grouping is triggered manually from API

  • Removed Hls and MJPEG streaming

  • Removed FaceAttributes entity

  • MatchStrategy cannot be set anymore, default state is ALL