SmartFace Access Controller

SmartFace Access Controller is a standalone module that listens to notifications coming from SmartFace Platform about people matched against watchlists. These notifications are then filtered by a predefined set of rules. Only the notifications that pass these rules are sent out from Access Controller. This component is used for the access control use case, where seamless and friction-less opening of access points (turnstiles, doors, barriers, ramps, etc.) is required.

The rules are defined by a filtering strategy and the logic which can be configured based on your specific use case. The strategy ensures that only an identified person will pass the access barrier in the right time without stoppage or any further action.

Use case description

SmartFace Access Controller module listens to notifications about matched persons sent by SmartFace Platform. When a notification passes the set of rules, it is sent out by the controller as a new notification. When a notification doesn't pass these rules, then it isn't forwarded and it is thrown away. The reason behind the filtration is that SmartFace Platform notifies about all detected and identified people in the processed video stream . An identified person can stand in a background or among a group of people who aren't registered in the watchlist. SmartFace Platform still sends notifications for all the detected people. These notifications are not desired in the access control use case, because the authorized person can stand far from the camera or the access barrier and can be surrounded or stand behind a person that is not authorized for the access. In this case you want the access barrier to be closed so that the unauthorized person can not enter.

Access Controller can recognize use cases (through the predefined filtering strategy), when the access should be denied to a person in front of the camera and the notification from SmartFace Platform should be filtered out. This behavior ensures that only authorized persons may access the barrier.

SmartFace Platform supports the detection of face masks and sends notifications which contain information whether a person wears a mask. Access Controller is able to use this feature and can prevent persons who aren't wearing a mask from passing the access barrier. This can be used to force rules related to face masks due to epidemics.
