Upgrade from SmartFace Platform 4.10

In SmartFace Platform 4.11 or above, a new binary/image is responsible for camera processing. In previous SmartFace Platform versions, sf-base binary/image was responsible for this.

Windows migration

New camera services with new binaries will be created during a standard SmartFace Platform installation wizard run. You do not need to modify anything manually.

Linux migration

During the migration of your LINUX deployment, you need to download new images, and you must migrate all your cameras to the new service by changing the image name in the camera definition.

If you use our default docker-compose YML file from our GitHub repository, please change image reference in each camera container definition.

camera container definition with old, sf-base image (SF version 4.10 and earlier)

camera container definition with new, sf-cam image (SF version from v5_4.11)


image: ${REGISTRY} sf-base :${SF_VERSION}
container_name: SFCam1
command: --serviceName SFCam1
- 30001:30001
restart: unless-stopped
- RabbitMQ__Hostname
- RabbitMQ__Username
- RabbitMQ__Password
- RabbitMQ__Port
- ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext
- Database__DbEngine
- AppSettings__Log-RollingFile-Enabled
- S3Bucket__Endpoint
# - GstPipelineTemplate
# - Gpu__GpuNeuralRuntime=Tensor
- "./iengine.lic:/etc/innovatrics/iengine.lic"
# - "/var/tmp/innovatrics/tensor-rt:/var/tmp/innovatrics/tensor-rt"
# runtime: nvidia


image: ${REGISTRY} sf-cam :${SF_VERSION}
container_name: SFCam1
command: --serviceName SFCam1
- 30001:30001
restart: unless-stopped
- RabbitMQ__Hostname
- RabbitMQ__Username
- RabbitMQ__Password
- RabbitMQ__Port
- ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext
- Database__DbEngine
- AppSettings__Log-RollingFile-Enabled
- S3Bucket__Endpoint
# - GstPipelineTemplate
# - Gpu__GpuNeuralRuntime=Tensor
- "./iengine.lic:/etc/innovatrics/iengine.lic"
# - "/var/tmp/innovatrics/tensor-rt:/var/tmp/innovatrics/tensor-rt"
# runtime: nvidia

If you use our docker-compose.yml example file from our GitHub repository, you need to modify following containers: sf-cam-1, sf-cam-2, sf-cam-3. sf-cam-4. sf-cam-5. sf-cam-nx