Cloud Matcher explained

The SmartFace Cloud Matcher is a light weight standalone application that can be deployed on the cloud on Linux platform and can serve as a service to an outside world. The identification and watchlist management is available through REST API. Since the Cloud Matcher is based on the SmartFace Platform you are gaining all the benefits that the platform provides, while deploying only lightweight application without necessity of powerful on-site server. When deployed on the cloud, the Cloud Matcher can be accessed from outside of your network even by mobile devices.

The SmartFace Cloud Matcher consist of following services that are based on the same technology that is used in SmartFace Platform:

  • Detection service - this service is used for a detection of a face on incoming images

  • Extraction service - this service is used to generate a biometric template and extract an age, a gender and whether a face is covered by a face mask

  • Matching service - this service is used for matching a face against a watchlist members

  • WatchlistAPI service - this service provides a REST API to an outside world

Listed services are based on the SmartFace Plaform services. The API in the Cloud Matcher contains a subset of API calls that are also available in SmartFace Platform, therefore an application that is using (calling) the Cloud Matcher can use the same API calls to get requests from the full installation of the SmartFace Platform.


The Cloud Matcher is running on Linux OS and can be provided to you in form of a docker image.

Here is a list of required applications which the Cloud Matcher needs for proper running:

  • RabbitMQ

  • Database: MS SQL installed on the machine / MS SQL available as a service