SmartFace Cloud Matcher

SmartFace Cloud Matcher enables your application to easily identify a person by comparing their live image with a reference image previously stored in a watchlist. Your application provides an image to the Cloud Matcher API, and the service provides highly accurate facial detection and identification. The lightweight identification of a person can be used for a variety of use cases where a fast identification of people is required and where you can register people's faces into the watchlist, including access control, 2nd factor authentication, retail and many other.

When the Cloud Matcher is installed, a watchlist is created and a watchlist members are registered, you can send an API call to the Cloud Matcher containing an image of a person. The Cloud Matcher will match the face on the image against all the members of all your watchlists and will return the results of the matching - whether a person is on the watchlist or not and a face features like position on the image, age, gender, or whether a person is wearing a mask.


For more information about the Cloud Matcher, see the following chapter: