Troubleshooting for Nx Witness integration

If the integration doesn't work properly, try the following steps:

  • SmartFace camera logs are available at %PROGRAMDATA%\Innovatrics\SmartFace where the filename corresponds to the Nx Witness camera ID.

  • There might be some issues regarding the camera rotations. To make sure that the raw frame feed is correct, check if SmartFace MPEG1 camera preview generates a valid video.

  • By default, Nx Witness Client buffers 500 ms before rendering the live preview. This means SmartFace processing must be performed under 500 ms to show bounding boxes on the live preview. If you are encounter a bigger delay than 500 ms, then you can increase the buffering to 1000 ms.
    The buffering can be set as follows:

    1. In Nx Witness open the Main menu images/download/thumbnails/106408624/image2020-10-12_14-7-12.png .

    2. Select Local Settings... and the Advanced tab.

    3. To increase the buffering, move the slider Maximum Live Buffer Length to the maximum value.

    4. Click OK.