XProtect Smart Client

Information extracted in SmartFace is displayed as Analytics Events in XProtect Smart Client, under the Alarm Manager tab in the bottom pane.
If Analytics Events are not visible and a list of alarms is displayed instead, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the pane where the alarms are displayed.

  2. Click Setup in the right top corner.

  3. In the Properties pane located on the left choose Event as a Data Source

  4. Click Setup.


Setting up Analytics Events instead of alarms in XProtect Smart Client

If the configuration of the integration between SmartFace and XProtect is correct, a notification about detected and identified persons is displayed at the bottom of the pane. The column Message displays whether a face was only detected or also identified against a watchlist for the received Analytics Ev ent.

For every detected or identified person, you may view further information by selecting the specific row.

Detected person

For a detected person a notification contains the following information:

  • Cropped image

  • SmartFace camera name

  • Estimated age

  • Estimated gender

  • Biometric quality

  • Detection time

  • Milestone camera name

images/download/attachments/108018115/image2020-9-30_10-28-38.png Notification about detected person in XProtect Smart Client

Identified person

For an identified person the notification contains the following information:

  • Cropped image

  • Watchlist image

  • SmartFace camera name

  • Watchlist name

  • Name of the watchlist member (identified person)

  • Identification time

  • Matching score

  • Milestone camera name

Notification about identified person in XProtect Smart Client

XProtect server can be configured to record a video sequence from live streams based on received Analytics Events. If the recording of video sequences in XProtect server is enabled, the recorded sequence of the video footage will be displayed next to the notification from SmartFace.